Over the past few months, I’ve shared insights into each of my Prairie Sky Series. Now it’s time to introduce you to my Wounded Heart series. The series takes place during and after the Civil War which requires a vast amount of research. If I’m not careful, I can become lost in the historical details of the times. Learning about the past is something I truly enjoy.

August 3 marks the one-year anniversary of the release of Beyond These War-Torn Lands, Book One in my Wounded Heart Series. So, I thought I would offer a print copy to one of you readers as a way to celebrate. If you’ve already read the novel, feel free to enter for a keeper copy or to give as a gift to a friend.

Drew and Caroline’s story is one of choosing love over hatred, kindness over bitterness. Both face challenges that test their resolve–on a personal level as well as through the effects of war.


Theme verse:  “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.”

The War brought them together ~ Would it also tear them apart?

While en route to aid Confederate soldiers injured in battle near her home, Southerner Caroline Dunbar stumbles across a wounded Union sergeant. Unable to ignore his plea for help, she tends his injuries and hides him away, only to find her attachment to him deepen with each passing day. But when her secret is discovered, Caroline incurs her father’s wrath and, in turn, unlocks a dark secret from the past which she is determined to unravel.

After being forced to flee his place of refuge, Sergeant Andrew Gallagher fears he’s seen the last of Caroline. Resolved not to let that happen, when the war ends, he seeks her out, only to discover she’s been sent away. When word reaches him that President Lincoln has been shot, Drew is assigned the task of tracking down the assassin. A chance encounter with Caroline revives his hopes, until he learns she may be involved in a plot to aid the assassin.


If you’d like a chance to win a SIGNED, PRINT COPY of Beyond These War-Torn Lands (US Addresses only), enter the Rafflecopter Giveaway below, then check out the opening scene from the book! I look forward to sharing it with one of you!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


As a teaser, here’s the first half of the opening scene:

July 9, 1864,
Battle of Monocacy Junction, Maryland

Sergeant Andrew Gallagher drew his bloodied bayonet from
yet another gray-clad soldier. All around, the roar of gunfire
mingled with the moans of the wounded and dying. The humid
air reeked of flesh and gunpowder. Waves of Confederate
soldiers continued to pummel him and his men from every side
like a swarm of gnats. There was no time to think, only react.

He wheeled around just as another Rebel soldier charged him
from behind, rifle and bayonet pointed at his midsection. With a
sharp, upward cut of his rifle, Drew tore the weapon from the
youth’s hands, and it spiraled through the air, breaking as it
landed. The young soldier’s face blanched, fear mingling with
contempt in his eyes.

The defenseless lad gave a shrill cry and leaped at Drew,
clawing at him with his bare hands. Rather than gouging him,
Drew landed a hard blow on the soldier’s jaw. The youth
stumbled backward and fell dazed, his inexperienced attempts at
warfare temporarily at an end.

Drew’s mouth pulled in a sad grin. Lord willing, some mother
would have the pleasure of greeting her boy when the war was
over. A shot whizzed past his ear. He flinched and instinctively
surveyed his men. They were weary and outnumbered; a good
many had fallen.

He clenched his jaw. How many more lives would be lost if
they persisted?

A bugle sounded in the distance, and relief washed through
Drew. They’d battled nearly non-stop since daybreak, struggling
to hold their ground against the Rebs along the Monocacy River.
Twice he and his men had sent them scurrying, only to have
them come back harder, stronger. There seemed no end to them.
General Wallace must have taken note of their plight and
realized it was a no-win situation. Raising his arm, Drew signaled
his bugler to sound retreat.

He only hoped their efforts had not been for nothing.

As he and his fellow soldiers in blue turned from battle,
another volley of shots rang out.

A hot sting seared Drew’s shoulder.

Laughter sounded a few yards to his left. “Take that, you ol’

Ignoring the shooting pang in his arm, he fixed his gaze on
the jeering Confederate soldier. The Rebel sneered as he lowered
his rifle. Drew wavered, knowing he should remain with his men,
but the temptation to retaliate beckoned him.

No Johnny Reb mocked him and got away with it.

Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord.

The inner prompting gave Drew pause but wasn’t enough to
squelch his thirst for revenge. The Confederates owned this day,
this battle, but he refused to let this gloating private glory in the
victory. Seeing no immediate threats, Drew charged toward him,
rifle and bayonet at the ready. The soldier’s face paled as he neared. With no time to reload, the man scrambled to unsheathe
the bayonet he’d foolishly neglected to attach to his rifle. As
Drew threw back his arm to thrust, a flash of silver whirled
toward him. Pain sliced through him as the blade lodged deep in
his side. At nearly the same instant, his bayonet found its mark
in the Rebel soldier’s chest. With a loud shriek, the man
crumpled to the ground.

A bit faint, Drew loosened his grip on his rifle and turned
from the onslaught of Confederate soldiers headed toward him.
A riderless horse trotted by several yards to his left. With effort,
Drew pulled the knife from his side and pressed a hand to the
wound as he limped over to the bay mare. Taking hold of the
horse’s mane, he heaved himself into the saddle and tapped heels
to her flanks. The horse lunged forward as though eager to leave
the chaos of battle.

In agony, Drew slumped forward, molding himself to the
horse’s neck.

His impulsive act had cost him dearly.