Each of my three Book Signings has carried a flavor all its own. My first signing at my local library boasted a sell-out crowd, tons of community support and the unforgettable memory of a young girl’s admiration.

My second Signing took place at a chain bookstore in a large city (out of my comfort zone). Yet the Lord surrounded me with encouragement and a constant flow of family and friends.

This third Signing took place at my uncle’s request in a mid-sized town farther from my home where I knew few people. Poor weather conditions and low attendance made for few sales, but something much more valuable than book sales happened that day. The Lord used my Book Signing to bring about a treasured memory that will forever live in my heart…as well as my uncle’s.

You see, my aunt had become a recluse in her older years and had grown incapable of caring for herself. She refused to see anyone or go anywhere. Having taken on the role of caregiver, my uncle found himself tethered to her and unable to do what he once did. Their tradition of joining us for holidays had come to an end. And with no children of their own, he’d grown disheartened at not being about to visit with his extended family.

It was out of respect for my uncle, I agreed to set aside a date for a Signing. I could feel his excitement grow as we discussed the upcoming event. When the day arrived, my husband and I, along with my sister and parents traveled the hour and a half to the library where it was to be held. We spoke to my uncle on the phone when we arrived and to our amazement, learned he was late because he was bringing my aunt! How honored I was to know she was making the effort to attend. She wanted to be there!!

What a blessing it was to witness my uncle’s joy, not only in seeing all of us, but because of my aunt’s willingness to participate. Though sales and attendance were low, our spirits were riding high as we cherished the blessing of each other ~ family celebrating together.

I pray you too will have opportunity to celebrate with family you don’t often see this Thanksgiving. May the Lord bring you joy and peace as you give thanks for all His goodness.

Connect with Cynthia on Facebook and Twitter. Read more of her writing at: Putting on the New Blog.

Read how God works in the lives of Cynthia’s characters in her debut novel, UNDER THIS SAME SKY, available in both e-book and print at Amazon.com




The Happiest of Thanksgivings to you all!