by cynthia | Jun 10, 2020 | Christian authors, covered wagons, Cynthia Roemer, Cynthia Roemer's Prairie Sky Series, Historical romance novels, History, Inspirational novels, Inspirational writers, Inspirational writing, My Books, Research, travel by covered wagon
Nowadays, we don’t think twice about hopping in a vehicle and heading out to commute to work or on a day trip to visit relatives or even a 1,000-mile vacation to the Grand Tetons. But a hundred and fifty years ago, it was a different story. Before planes, cars,...
by cynthia | May 13, 2020 | Christian authors, Civil War Novels, Cynthia Roemer, Cynthia Roemer's Prairie Sky Series, Encouragement, Historical romance novels, History, Inspirational novels, Inspirational writers, Inspirational writing, My Books, Research
This week on FOR THE HISTORY BUFF, I thought it would be fun to share a bit about the research I’m doing for my current work in progress (WIP), a Civil War manuscript, which I’ve tentatively entitled, Beyond These War-Torn Lands. These past few months,...
by cynthia | Feb 12, 2020 | Christian authors, Cynthia Roemer, Cynthia Roemer's Prairie Sky Series, Historical romance novels, History, Inspirational novels, Inspirational writers, Inspirational writing, My Books, Research
Research is one of the best parts of being a historical writer. I love learning about the past and incorporating true-to-life people and places in my stories. In my debut novel, Under This Same Sky, one of my characters is blinded by an injury to the head. His loss of...
by cynthia | Aug 16, 2019 | Christian authors, Cynthia Roemer, Cynthia Roemer's Prairie Sky Series, Historical romance novels, History, Inspirational novels, Inspirational writers, Inspirational writing, My Books, New releases, Research
In a few short weeks, you’ll have the opportunity to read my upcoming inspirational, historical novel, Under Moonlit Skies. I’m very excited to share this third and final installment in my Prairie Sky Series with you. Set in 1859, the novel touches on some...
by cynthia | Apr 17, 2019 | Christian authors, Cynthia Roemer, Cynthia Roemer's Prairie Sky Series, Encouragement, Godly living, Historical romance novels, History, Inspirational novels, Inspirational writers, Inspirational writing, My Books, Research
As a historical author, it’s always fun to keep an eye out for hidden treasure. Of course, I’m talking about uncovering bits of history, not real treasure. LOL! While on a recent road trip with my husband to the Smoky Mountains, we enjoyed the beauty of...
by cynthia | Oct 23, 2018 | Christian authors, Cynthia Roemer, Cynthia Roemer's Prairie Sky Series, Historical romance novels, History, Inspirational novels, Inspirational writers, Inspirational writing, My Books, Research
One of the reasons I enjoy writing historical novels is the research. There is so much richness in learning about the past. Currently, while researching for Book 3 in my Prairie Sky Series (Under Moonlit Skies), I stumbled across a bit of Illinois history I...