What makes a hero and heroine compelling to readers? Often it’s the fire and ice relationships that make for an interesting read. In the world of fiction, as well as real life, opposites seem to attract.

When creating lead characters, writers often choose unlikely combinations. A backwoodsman and a city girl. A rich heiress and a jewel thief. Why is it that makes unusual relationships more appealing to readers?

I can think of 4 compelling reasons:

It’s Unexpected – Fairytales are full of princes and princesses who fall in love and live happily ever after. But today’s readers like a challenge. They would much rather read about an international spy who falls for the woman he’s sent to investigate. Unexpected relationships tend to…

Pique Interest – Readers seem to enjoy the back and forth dance unusual love relationships inspire. They keep turning pages, wondering how the author will draw these two unique love interests together. To succeed in this, writers must…

Create tension – A story wields a lot more power and intrigue when the leads have to battle insurmountable odds to find true love. In Romeo and Juliet, true love is hindered by family conflict. In The Westside Story, it’s opposing gangs that bar the starry-eyed youths from happiness. Differences spark conflict and fuel…

Intriguing Plots – The greater the challenge presented in drawing lead characters together, the more intriguing the plot. Compelling characters demand creativity on the part of writers. But in the end, it’s still the happily-ever-after that gives readers the greatest sense of satisfaction.

As a reader, what do you find compelling in the lead characters? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Read more of Cynthia’s writing at: Putting on the New Blog.  Connect with her on Facebook and Twitter.

Read how God works in the lives of Cynthia’s characters in her debut novel, UNDER THIS SAME SKY, available in both e-book and print at Amazon.com