I just received my first 2-Star rating review for my Civil War novel, Beyond These War-Torn Lands. I suppose every author cringes at a low rating on writing they’ve poured their heart and soul into. But after reading the reason for the low rating, I felt almost a sense of satisfaction, as though I had done what the Lord intended me to do.

Rather than finding fault with my writing itself or the historical elements, the reviewer faulted me for including too much Scripture and went on to say, “I hope all her other books are not like this.”

Though I respect this reader’s opinion, I don’t regret including God’s Word in my novels (and yes, the Spiritual element is strong in each of my novels). =)

There’s a reason I classify my novels as Inspirational Historical Romance. Because that order correctly defines their purpose. They are first and foremost meant to inspire, by weaving godly truths into the heart of the story. Secondly, they are carefully grounded in the details of history. And lastly, there is a thread of sweet romance.


I feel I should include a caution to readers: Don’t read my novels, unless … 

  1. You like messy, flawed characters that turn to God in their time of need and hurt.
  2. You are willing to be challenged and grow in your spiritual walk along with the characters.
  3. You enjoy an intriguing storyline with some twists and turns and a strong faith element woven within.
  4. You enjoy a story where the romance is the dessert and not the whole meal (not the central thrust of the novel). 



If those are the marks of a story you are looking for, then I’m confident you’ll enjoy my novels. It is those types of readers I’ve been called to write to. Readers that have a hunger to grow and learn from the experiences my characters are taken through. Readers who are open to the healing power of godly truths, such as the one who wrote the following review …

I can’t tell you how rewarding such a review is. I realize not every reader will appreciate my style of writing, but writing is my ministry, and it is my heartfelt prayer that the Lord will use what I write to touch the hearts of many. May the godly truths woven into the storyline and the lives of my characters reach into readers’ hearts and make a change for the better.

~ Do you enjoy the use of Scripture and strong faith elements in the novels you read?


Stories of faith and resilience on the Midwest prairie & the Civil War Era

Inspirational Historical Romance

~Available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble
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