The pandemic has changed a lot in our lives! Some may find the extra time at home conducive to their writing, while others are struggling to find a quiet corner in their household to unleash their creative energies!
To be serious about writing, one has to be intentional these days. So, if you’re struggling to find time to let your creativity flow, here’s some suggestions to better manage your time.
START YOUR DAY WITH PRAYER – Begin each day by asking for the Lord’s blessing. Taking a few precious moments to pray can make all the difference. When you submit your day and your writing to God, you’re placing it in His hands, and He’s sure to honor your request.
SET GOALS – As a writer, it’s important to set goals. Small goals as well as larger ones. On the larger scale, you may have a goal to complete a novel in a year, six months, or even three months, depending on your capabilities or time allowance. But smaller goals are also important. Try setting a word count goal for a week, or a day. Make it one that will require you to work to reach it, but one that is within your grasp to complete. Each time you achieve a goal, give yourself a pat on the back, and set a new and higher one.
BE FLEXIBLE – While goals are important, writers need to be able to bend schedules as situations require it. While you may feel it necessary to protect your writing time from minor interruptions, some simply can’t be avoided. In offering up prayers for my day, I often pray the Lord will allow me to accomplish all that He has in mind for me to accomplish. If I’m honest, that may sometimes differ from what I wish to accomplish. So when interruptions arise, take a deep breath, reassess, and adjust your plans accordingly. Perhaps the Lord has someone in mind for you to encourage through that change in plans.
DEVELOP A ROUTINE – Like it or not, we’re creatures of habit. Most of us do well to have a set schedule to work with. Setting up specific hours to write keeps us motivated and creates a standard of expectation to go by. When we’re organized, we make better use of our time.
LEARN YOUR CREATIVE TIME OF DAY – When do your creative juices flow most freely? I find my biggest word counts come in the early afternoon. How about you? Are you a night owl? Do you do your best work in the wee hours of the night? Or are you an early riser who finds inspiration in the promise of a new day? Be attune to the time of day that best suits your creative flare and set that as your focal point.
What ignites your creative flow? I’d love to hear from you.
Cynthia Roemer’s PRAIRIE SKY SERIES: Stories of faith and resilience on the Midwest prairie Inspirational Historical Romance
~Available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble
**Connect with Cynthia Roemer on Facebook, Goodreads and Twitter.
During this time of coronavirus, there are great stories to be found. I am writing every day. 🙂
Me too, Melissa! I’m one of the few that seems to have benefited from the extra time at home, but I’ve heard many writers are struggling to find time to themselves. So glad you’re writing!! Thanks for sharing!
Cynthia, I am not a writer, but I read your suggestions and think they are good for everybody. After I read them, I prayed that God would help you as you write that you might glorify Him with your skill.
God bless you,
God bless you, Bonnie! I so appreciate your thoughtfulness and prayers as I write! The novel I’m writing has such a valuable message for all of us. I just pray for the Lord’s guidance with each word, so I can write it as He wants it written. You’re right! These tips do apply to all of life! Thanks so much for taking time to connect. =)