We all have dreams…those driving pulses that spur us to action and set our souls afire. Whether small or great, each of us have deep-seeded wishes we’d like to fulfill. For me, it’s writing. Nothing ignites my creative energies like sitting down at my computer and pouring out words that prayerfully will encourage and strengthen others in their faith.

Though my dream has been to be a published novelist, my goal is to touch lives through my writing. And, while I had to wait more than thirty years for my dream to become a reality, my goal of touching lives is fulfilled each time the Lord enables me to write an article, short-story, or devotional that sows seeds of hope and encouragement into reader’s lives.
What about you? What goals and dreams do you long to achieve? While you’re searching, here are some questions to keep in mind.
Is This a God-Honoring Pursuit? Is your dream something the Lord can be a part of? As Christians, God should be involved in everything we do. If we find ourselves veering away from God in pursuit of a dream, it’s time to reel ourselves in and reassess our priorities.
Is It Reachable? Is your dream attainable? Do you have the resources or skills to achieve your ambitions? It’s one thing to work toward a challenging goal, but quite another to pursue the undoable. Be certain what you hope for is in line with your abilities.
Is My Motivation Right? What is the driving force behind your dream? Is it for God’s glory, or your own? I truly believe God gives each of us individual goals to strive toward. It’s up to us if we honor Him in our achievements, or ourselves. In whatever we do, we should be certain He receives the praise and that we point others to Him.
What are your goals and dreams? I’d love to hear what the Lord has accomplished through you.
“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” (Colossians 3:17)

Cynthia Roemer’s PRAIRIE SKY SERIES: Stories of faith and resilience on the Midwest prairie Inspirational Historical Romance
~Available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble
**Connect with Cynthia Roemer on Facebook, Goodreads and Twitter.