God has a plan. Though I may not understand it now. I know there is a reason for the hardship I’m facing.
When I wrote my debut novel, Under This Same Sky, I never dreamed I would walk through some of the same feelings my heroine, Becky Hollister did–feelings of doubt and loss. Questioning God. Devastating loss sent her faith spiraling. I’m determined the trial I’m facing will affirm my faith rather than shatter it.
My cancer diagnosis came just two weeks after my father’s death due to the same horrible disease. How thankful I was he would never have to know the path ahead for me. Through all the plethora of tests and procedures, I gained a greater empathy for those who’ve received the same devastating news. And as I begin treatments, I realize how little control I have over what lies ahead.
There is but one clear choice. I must entrust my future to the Lord, approach this challenge with Him at my side, lean into Him instead of becoming embittered or downcast.
When troubles come, it’s tempting to blame God for our unwanted circumstances. In the face of tragedy, Becky Hollister’s faith is shaken. She doubts God’s goodness, His faithfulness to see her through the loss she faces.
My heroine, Becky’s, faith journey begins when she leaves her home to accompany her blinded father to St. Louis. There the Lord stirs her heart toward Him by opening her heart to His plan and blessing for her life. Her faith becomes more genuine as she witnesses God’s ability to turn tragedy into triumph. and loss into gain.
That is my prayer as I undergo this cancer journey. Already the Lord has been speaking to my heart, demonstrating His goodness and faithfulness through the kindness and generosity of His people. It’s my prayer that my love and appreciation for Him will deepen, and that this experience will enable me to share God’s love to others who need to sense His presence and peace.
Like Becky, I may never fully know why the Lord allowed this trial to come into my life, but I have the promise that He is with me and His plans are for me, not against me. No matter the outcome, I can have peace in knowing I belong to Him.
When have you faced a challenge that tested your faith?
Cynthia Roemer’s PRAIRIE SKY SERIES: Stories of faith and resilience on the Midwest prairie Inspirational Historical Romance
~Available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble
**Connect with Cynthia Roemer on Facebook, Goodreads and Twitter.
Hi Cynthia,
Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers frequently. One sermon from our pastor really spoke to me. Habakkuk 1:2-5 He asked if we ever question why something bad happens to us when the wicked around us seem to prosper (my words) when he read vs 5 “…Observe! Be astonished! Wonder! Because I am doing something in your days-You would not believe if you were told”. God has wonderful plans for you just watch. As we trust in God we know there will be the ultimate healing when we see Him face to face. Here is a beautiful song “https://youtu.be/mdOrn4_zc2g” then I met the Master
Thanks so much, Judith! You’ve been such a blessing to me. I cherish your encouragement and prayers! Thanks for sharing the beautiful Scripture and song.
Cynthia, you are in my thoughts and prayers as you walk this journey. I have been in a situation where I was not sure if I would be able to walk again. I attempted to step up into a tow truck. My quad tendon came off my knee cap. I knew what had happened the minute it did so. I had the same thing happen due to a fall with my right leg. This time was very different. The doctor tried to repair it, but it did not work. I went through a second surgery where a graft was used. I had to keep my leg completely straight for fifteen months in a brace. The physical therapist and the doctor was not sure if I would ever be able to walk without the support of the brace. I am walking. I can walk for short distances with a walker. I praise the Lord that I can walk at all.
Oh, Debra! That must have been quite a challenge. I’m so thankful you’re walking again. Will pray it gets easier for you as the days go by. Thanks for sharing…and for your prayers. God bless!
I am praying for you Cynthia.
Thanks so much, Melissa! I cherish knowing I’m covered in prayer. God bless you!
God is faithful Cynthia, i have had that scripture from Jeremiah many times before, it came after Jim had his cancer op, keep trusting, sending
Thanks so much, Ann! I so appreciate your friendship and encouragement. That is one of my favorite Scriptures as well!
Praying for your healing, Cynthia.
Thanks so much, Gail! So appreciated!
Praying for you!
Thanks so much, Linda! God bless you!