One of the best parts of Christmas is the spirit of hope and expectancy it holds. Children eagerly await the gifts and filled stockings of Christmas morn. Excitement fills their bright-eyed faces as they rise early to see if the coveted gifts they’ve hoped for are there beneath the tree.
But for those of us who are Christians, the true hope of Christmas came in the form of a tiny baby born in a stable. Jesus’ humble birth changed everything. His coming gave us the hope of Heaven, a priceless gift that only He had the power to give.
This Christmas, I pray you’ll join me in celebrating not only Christ’s birth, but in giving thanks to God for His perfect plan of redemption and grace. Without Jesus, there can be no Christmas. Without His sacrifice for our sins, there can be no hope of Heaven.
Now, we wait in hope of Christ’s second coming which will usher us home. Like children at Christmastime, may we live each day in expectancy, watching for His appearance, with hearts that are ready to meet the Savior.
May you have joy and hope this Christmas season as you celebrate with family and friends.
Connect with Cynthia on Facebook and Twitter. Read more of her writing at: Putting on the New Blog.
Read how God works in the lives of Cynthia’s characters in her debut novel, UNDER THIS SAME SKY, available in both e-book and print at
Jesus is the reason for the season, God bless
Yes He is!! Merry Christmas, my friend!