Today I’m honored to have Beth Westcott as my guest. She shares a message of the origin of hope and why it matters. She’s is offering an e-book copy of her debut novel, Meadow Song. Stick around to the end for the Rafflecopter Giveaway!

Hope ~ The Promise of Something Better by Beth Westcott

To hope is to want, desire, or expect something. As a child I hoped for a certain doll as a Christmas gift, and I received it. Another time I hoped to go to the circus with my family, but illness prevented me from going. It wasn’t life-shattering to miss the circus, but my expectation wasn’t fulfilled. I learned early that we don’t always get what we want.

Ever since Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, every human being bears scars of brokenness caused by sin: broken bodies, broken homes, broken dreams, broken spirits. Life is not always fair. Illness, job loss, divorce, death, and many other things all cause us to lose hope.

Hope is like a candle burning in a long, dark tunnel, the first drops of rain on parched earth, a warm touch on cold hands. It’s the promise of something better to come. Hope helps us break through the barriers of pain and loss, not give up when we are broken or knocked down by life, move forward toward a goal that may require hard work and more trials. We believe the future will be better for us.

In the Bible, hope means to trust or rely on God. The psalmist wrote,
“And now, Lord, what do I wait for? My hope is in You” ~ Psalm 39:7 NKJV

The apostle Paul wrote,
“But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance.” ~ Romans 8:25 NKJV

“Hope” in God’s Word means certainty. Believe God, trust Him, rely on Him. Salvation from sin.

Beth Westcott’s passion for writing began in second grade, when her poem about a lamb appeared in the school newspaper. She grew up on a small farm in Upstate New York, the youngest of seven siblings. After graduating from Hartwick College with a major in English, she married Frank. They have three married, adult children and six grandchildren, one of whom is in heaven.

Beth desires to honor God and help others through her writing. Her first novel with Mantle Rock Publishing ( , Meadow Song, a contemporary Christian romance, is scheduled for release on November 20, 2018. Visit Beth on her Author Website.


**Read how God works in the lives of Cynthia Roemer’s characters in her Inspirational, Historical Romance (Prairie Sky) Series.


~ She thought she’d lost everything ~ Instead she found what she needed most ~

Available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble


~ Beyond shattered dreams lies a realm of possibilities ~

**Connect with Cynthia Roemer on Facebook, Goodreads and Twitter. Read more of her writing at: Putting on the New Blog.


Artist Kate Greenway escapes her home town after the death of her finance. She finds a meadow to paint in, a young girl, and the girl’s handsome uncle Jack Chambers and begins to move forward in her life. When Kate’s mother develops cancer, Kate has to return home to care for her. Jack cannot make a commitment. She tells Jack the Master Potter can create something new out of the broken pieces of their lives.

Now for the GIVEAWAY! Leave a comment below and unlock several chances to win an e-book copy of Meadow Song.   

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