Hello Everyone!

I’m excited that my first Author Interview & Giveaway of 2018 is with Best-Selling author, Connilyn Cossette. She has a lot on her plate with homeschooling kids, writing novels, and now a sudden out-of-state move!!



Conni has graciously offered to give away a copy of her yet-to-be-released novel, A Light on the Hill! Stick around for your chance to win this first installment in her new Cities of Refuge Series set to release in February! 


It’s so great to have you here, Conni. Thanks for joining us. Could you share a little about yourself, your family, your writing routine and your hobbies?

I have been married to my husband Chad for twenty years and we have two children, both of whom I homeschool. Our life is definitely a busy one, with lots of learning going on during the day, along with all my author duties, and then I tend to write mostly at night after they go to bed. Although lately my schedule has been shifting a bit and I’ve been writing more in the waking hours since my kiddos are old enough that their schooling is becoming more and more independent. I wish I had more time for hobbies, I enjoy drawing and painting and play the piano and have sung on many worship teams (and even been in a rock band!) but between school and writing not much time is left for other pursuits. And being a bibliophile, usually my spare time is taken up with devouring one of the hundreds of books on my TBR list. Right now all my spare time is taken up with getting ready for a cross-country move to North Carolina as my husband has been transferred there and of course it’s all happening in the middle of the launch of A Light on the Hill, but such is life!

Oh Wow! You’re one busy and talented lady! When did you know you wanted to write?

I have been a voracious fiction reader since I was a little girl, going to the library and selecting a stack of books each time that went all the way up to my chin. It was my dream since way back then that I would have a book on those shelves one day, although a dream I honestly did not believe would ever come to fruition! I’ll just bet the Lord had a twinkle in his eye whenever I silently wished for such a thing all those years ago, since he had all kinds of surprises in store for my future! It wasn’t until I was 35 however, that I sat down and began writing my first novel and discovered all the reasons why I had been drawn to writing from such an early age—it was what I was made to do!

That’s wonderful! Can you name a couple of your favorite books or authors?

I have so many favorites it’s truly hard to choose! But I love Liz Curtis Higgs and her Scottish series is among my favorites and among the few books I have enjoyed reading more than once. My latest favorite read was The Lacemaker by Laura Franz and I am dying to get started on A Song Unheard by Roseanna White and A Refuge Assured by Jocelyn Green, both of which are calling my name from my Kindle as soon as my house is packed up and my edits for the second book in the Cities of Refuge Series are finished!

I know what you mean. I have several books calling my name as well. What is your favorite part of writing?

Can I just say pretty much everything? Truly, getting paid to sit around in my jammies playing with words, daydreaming, making up worlds and characters from thin air is such a blast. I am actually one of those writers who enjoys editing more than the first draft though, because it’s there that the true magic happens for me.

Your least favorite?

My least favorite thing is probably opening an already published book and being struck with the thought that I should have altered a scene or re-written something differently or most frustratingly, fixed some editing error! Honestly I kind of avoid reading my finished books because my perfectionism inevitably raises its ugly head.

With homeschooled children in the household, how do you carve out enough time to write full-length novels?

We have just come to have a rhythm that works for us. Homeschool gives me the flexibility to stay up late and work since we don’t have to start our day until later in the morning. I used to utilize naptimes and the like but nowadays my kids are simply used to having mom tapping away at the laptop every spare moment or staring out the window dreaming up scenes or exclaiming aloud like a crazy nut when some new idea pops into my head. I even have Scrivener on my phone and a foldable Bluetooth keyboard in my purse so I can whip out my WIP anytime, anywhere!

Ah! That’s the key to holding onto inspired scenes! What inspired you to write a series of Biblical fiction stories?

I had not planned on writing Biblical Fiction specifically. But Counted with the Stars was the story that crystallized in my mind and for the moment biblical era stories are where I am finding the most inspiration. I am certainly not married to the genre and if/when a story from another genre builds in my heart I will be happy to pursue it!

What is your WIP (work in progress)?

At the moment I am elbow-deep in edits for Book 2 of the Cities of Refuge Series, Shelter of the Most High, and am also working (as time allows during this sudden move) on Book 3 which is a prodigal daughter story of sorts. I adore the characters in this series and it has become a bit of a family saga along the way. I will truly be sad when I am finished and will miss my imaginary friends. But of course new stories and characters await discovery!

Amen! We eagerly await them too! Thanks for joining us and for the great Giveaway opportunity!


Connect with Connilyn at http://www.connilyncossette.com/

Amazon Author Page 


Connect with Cynthia on Facebook and Twitter. and Putting on the New Blog.

Read how God works in the lives of Cynthia’s characters in her debut novel, UNDER THIS SAME SKY, available in both e-book and print at Amazon.com




Now it’s time for the GIVEAWAY! Leave a comment below to unlock several chances to win a copy of A Light on the Hill

**This giveaway is for US entries only**

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