Life is a journey, full of twists and unexpected turns. But when we submit our ways to the Lord, He “makes our paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:6)
The past four months have been a blur. Radiation to my skull and lower back had zapped my energy and put me behind schedule writing my sixth novel, Beyond Shattered Dreams. I spent every spare minute trying to complete it.
I was sooo thankful to finally finish the manuscript (though three weeks after my deadline.) At last, I would have time to enjoy some other outdoorsy pursuits.
After hitting SEND to my publisher, I experienced almost a lost feeling. My life had been so steeped in writing the past few months. I needed a break. Now suddenly, I had time to spare.
But before I could enjoy this new freedom, a fit of coughing caused a fracture in my rib near my spine due to weakened bones from my Stage IV cancer. Then a week later, a second sharp pain in my neck made it hard to turn my head or even swallow. Ugh!
There went my hopes of gardening, working in my flower beds, and going on a 30th Anniversary trip with my husband. So disappointing. What was the use of more time when I was too laid up to do what I enjoyed?
I felt a tug on my spirit to seek more time with the Lord. Reading Scripture, taking prayer walks, enjoying creation. This, I could do. And I soon found, when we open our ears to listen, the Lord is faithful to speak.
It’s no coincidence that the theme verse for Beyond Shattered Dreams is Jeremiah 29:13 – “You will seek Me and find Me when you search for me with all your heart.”
That’s what I sense the Lord wanting me to do with my extra time. Seek Him with my whole heart. Already, I feel my hunger for Him growing. And I look forward to receiving more and deeper insights from Him as I journey through this time of limitations and seek to know Him on a deeper level. If you’re willing, I invite you to share in this journey with me as I convey the godly truths He whispers to my heart.
I am so grateful, with all the limitations and hardships cancer has brought, I am still able to write! I pray you’ll be blessed in reading these upcoming posts (hopefully once a week). May they draw you closer to the Father, and may we all seek Him with all of our heart.
Inspirational Historical Romance set during the Civil War era
~Available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble
**Connect with Cynthia Roemer on Facebook, Goodreads Bookbub and Twitter.
I am praying for you. My daughter has been suffering with depression for about 5 months now. She did get help. Please pray for Adriane Klager.
Thanks so much, Linda! I sure will pray for Adriane! Satan sure likes to try to tear us down with discouragement. I’ll be praying your daughter finds strength in the Lord! Thanks for reaching out and sharing!
Praying for you. My oldest daughter was diagnosed with severe anxiety and is in the process of being set up for counseling. It’s a relief that she was finally able to talk to her pediatric nurse practitioner about what’s going on with her. I’m hoping that things will be better and they will work with her on the things that she’s afraid of.
Oh, Kim! It’s so hard to watch your child struggle. I’m thankful she reached out to her NP. That is a great start. Prayers for your daughter and you as you wade through this together. Hugs!
Thank you for your testimony.
Thank you for stopping by to read it, Linda! I appreciate you reaching out. God bless!
Praying for you. Thank you for continuing to write and inspire others. Have a blessed week!
Thanks, Melissa! You are always an encouragement to me. Blessings to you as well!
Ohhh girl you are such a blessing even when you are struggling with health issues,,,,, I pray this will be a renewing for your soul! God is there with you. Many prayers for you.
Thank you, Judy!! You are such an encouragement to me. That is my prayer as well–a renewed spirit and that others will be renewed and encouraged as well. God bless!
You are an inspiration to so many Cynthia 💜 I so glad that you are able to find some peace from Him as you go through this frustrating and difficult time. Hugs 🤗
Thanks, Becky. I’m sure trying. Praying the Lord somehow uses my circumstances for His glory! Hugs to you! Thanks for reaching out.
I’m looking forward to joining you on your journey♡
Thanks, Linda. I’m thrilled to have you!
Cynthia, you’re on my heart today. Praying with you through this journey.
Thanks so much, Regina! I really appreciate the thoughts and prayers!