Life is a journey, full of twists and unexpected turns. But when we submit our ways to the Lord, He “makes our paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:6)
I have a new appreciation for those who endure chronic pain. Something I’ve been dealing with now for about five or six weeks. Pain in my pelvic joints that makes walking and even moving or standing a challenge.
The unexplained pain came on me overnight, along with a low grade fever. The past couple of weeks, my fever has continued to rise and also my pain level. When my fever reached 101.1 by noon yesterday, my oncologist’s nurse suggested a trip to the ER to check for sepsis, a serious condition.
Four hours in the ER and eight vials of blood thankfully cleared me of sepsis, but offered no clear answers for my increased pain or fever or other ongoing issues. I’m trying a different oncologist next week, praying for new insights and clear direction to bring sweet relief to this relentless discomfort. Oh how I pray for answers and for the Lord to guide me to the right team of doctors to bring me through this.
I read a wonderful book by Bill Bright a while back about the final leg of his journey to Heaven and the pain he endured. I loved that he focused our eyes on Jesus and the pain and suffering He went through as He was beaten, ridiculed, and cruelly crucified on a cross. Mr. Bright made a wonderful point that our suffering in this life, no matter how unpleasant, is nothing compared to the physical, mental, and spiritual anguish Christ suffered on our behalf.
My pain is involuntary. I didn’t ask for it, nor do I want it. But Jesus willingly took the hit for us on that cross. Every inch of His body and soul was in agony. All on our behalf. At any time, He could have said “Enough! These people are not worth carrying the burden of sin or the horrific pain I’m in.”
But He didn’t. Can you imagine how much love it took for Him to stay on that cross? How much love it took for our Heavenly Father to watch Him suffer and die?
Pain isn’t pleasant to deal with in this life, that’s certain. But when compared to what Jesus endured, I’d say we have much to be thankful for. Wouldn’t you?
Someday we’ll be free of pain, death, and the troubles of this life that plague us. And because of Jesus, we have a place reserved for us in Heaven if we’ve made Him Lord and Savior of our lives. What a blessing to cling to.
Inspirational Historical Romance set during the Civil War era
~Available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble
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Praying that you can get some answers and relief.
Thanks so much, Kim. I appreciate that more than you know!
Praying for you.
Thanks so much, dear friend! I know you understand.
Dear Cynthia, I remember my Dad saying that cancer pain was the most difficult part of the disease. Praying for relief. and for answers. <3
Thanks for the prayers, Elaine. So appreciated.