As an author, I love creating strong, memorable heroes and heroines for my stories. There’s just something special about creating individuals who are willing to make sacrifices and give the best of themselves for the sake of others.
This cancer journey has been long and hard, but what a blessing it has been to encounter and experience real-life heroes and heroines—those who have reached out in a special way to show they care. Even those I’ve never met.
These everyday heroes and heroines have blessed me tremendously. Like the neighbor who called during near blizzard conditions to say the Lord had impressed upon him the need to come pray with us. I was amazed at this man’s willingness to come out on such a miserable day because the Lord placed it on his heart to do so. What an example of obedience!!
And my husband, who has walked alongside me through it all, taking care of me, doing his best to comfort me, running errands, picking up groceries, helping with meals, and taking on responsibilities I’m no longer able to do. He is indeed my hero.
Then there are the prayer warriors who’ve prayed for us so faithfully, those who’ve brought in meals, offered to pick up needed groceries, and sent cards with encouraging Scriptures. These are everyday heroes and heroines who warm my heart with their thoughtfulness.
The Lord seems to know just when I need a dose of encouragement. It has been over a month since I’ve posted about my journey. The new treatments and the cancer have kept me pretty wiped out over the past few weeks and I haven’t felt like sharing.
I was struggling with discouragement today until my husband brought in our mail containing both a package and a card–both from readers I’ve not met but have been privileged to become acquainted with online through my writing.
Tears filled my eyes as I read their sweet notes telling me how the Lord had used me to bless them and how diligently they were praying for me. They even included some of my favorite Scripture verses. That, my friends, is just the right medicine to keep me going. How grateful I am for the Lord’s perfect timing and the way He shows He cares about the details of our lives.
Today, if you’re struggling, know for certain the Lord cares and has a reason for you being here. He can use you in ways you may never dream He’s using you. Whatever your difficulties, may you find renewed strength and hope in His presence.
Inspirational Historical Romance set during the Civil War era
~Available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble
**Connect with Cynthia Roemer on Facebook, Goodreads Bookbub
Always always in my prayers and thoughts.!!!!! I thank you sooo much for your precious friendship!!
Thank you, sweet friend for being one of my everyday heroines!! Love you!
Cynthia, having gone through two bouts with cancer, I have always related to your post. I, too, I am a Christian fiction writer and understand days of discouragement. However, I must say it has been 25 years or more since I had the first diagnosis. I just want you to know that I stopped and prayed for you and shall continue to do so. God bless, jacqueline wheelock.
Thank you, Jacqueline! I appreciate the prayers and encouragement more than words could ever express. May the Lord continue to bring you good health. Thanks for reaching out and sharing a bit of your story. God bless!
Praying for you. God is hearing each prayer. Thank you for sharing your journey. You are an inspiration to many people. Have a blessed day!
Thank you so much, Melissa! I appreciate you walking alongside me and being an encourager. I know you’ve had dealings with cancer. Praise God for His mercies on your life. May He continue to bless you, friend!