What a captivating love story! I was entranced by Ella and Charlie from the start. Bischof has created endearing characters that will find a place in readers’ hearts to stay.

I admit, at the onset, the circus setting didn’t appeal to me, but I’d heard such wonderful things about this book, I was compelled to read The Lady and the Lionheart and am so glad I did. Bischof did a masterful job of bringing the Big Top to life. This unique setting, coupled with such alluring characters, made for a read I didn’t want to see come to an end.

My favorite scenes were those in which Ella and Charlie were together, growing in their love and appreciation for one another. There was just something about the author’s voice that pulled me into their story. A worthy read for anyone who enjoys great fiction.

A charming love story I won’t soon forget.


Connect with Cynthia on Facebook and Twitter. Read more of her writing at: Putting on the New Blog.

Read how God works in the lives of Cynthia’s characters in her debut novel, UNDER THIS SAME SKY, available in both e-book and print at Amazon.com