Have you ever noticed we humans have a tendency toward the negative? Give us a white wall with a small mark on it, and our eyes will naturally train toward the speck. We notice fuzzies in the carpet, dust on the furniture, and a ding in the car door.

But we don’t stop there. We’re hard on ourselves as well. It’s the one curl that tends to “boing” out of place that drives us batty. Or the extra pounds we gain around holidays that pull our attention.

Movie/book reviewers and critique groups often concentrate on finding flaws and areas in need of improvement. Not that that’s bad. It’s how we grow as people, or determine if a movie/book is worth the money we spend. Yet, it seems we’re always scrutinizing something or someone.

In the same way, God once noticed the dark spots on our souls. With each sin, the mark grew deeper and more prevalent. Yet, instead of condemning us in our weaknesses, He hatched an eternal plan to forever rid us of the darkness of sin. A plan of redemption.

Since the dawn of time, the Lord knew we would need a Savior. When Christ came to sacrifice Himself for us, He took all the blackness of sin upon Himself. Every misdeed, every act of hatred and strife that would ever be, attached itself to Him on the cross.

His death marked the defeat of sin in our lives. His resurrection forever erased the dark spot on our souls, washing us white as snow.

Now, because of Christ, we can stand clean and pure before the Father. When He looks at us, He no longer sees dark spots on our souls. Instead, He sees the whiteness of grace and forgiveness. What a beautiful picture of salvation for those who believe!

What is something positive that has happened to you this week?


Read how God works in the lives of Cynthia Roemer’s characters in her Inspirational, Historical Romance (Prairie Sky) Series.


~ She thought she’d lost everything ~ Instead she found what she needed most

~Available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble


~ Beyond shattered dreams lies a realm of possibilities ~

**Connect with Cynthia Roemer on Facebook, Goodreads and Twitter.