Sowing Seeds of Hope Blog is branching out! With the help of some friends and fellow authors, I’m introducing some new features to my website that are meant to uplift, encourage, and inform.
To ensure you don’t miss out, scroll to the bottom of this page and sign-up to receive weekly e-mail notices! Here’s what to expect in the coming months!

~ Words of encouragement and hope from myself and author Laurie Driesen
~ Tidbits of history gleaned while researching my novels
~ Helpful articles for those who write or aspire to write
~ A great line-up of authors sharing spiritual insights from their novels along with some Giveaways!
~ Guest blogs, fun stories, and book news!
I’ll be starting off these next few weeks with FOR THE READER featuring some spiritual themes from my Prairie Sky Series plus a giveaway opportunity for one of my novels coming soon! I hope you’ll enjoy these new features to my website. I pray you’ll be blessed by the words that are sown here. May they ever point toward the Lord!
FOR THE READER ~ Under This Same Sky ~ Why God?
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” ~ Jeremiah 29:11
When tragedy befalls godly people, it can cause us to question our faith. It’s difficult to grasp how a loving God could allow innocent lives to be taken or God-fearing people to suffer. If the Lord is all-powerful, why does He allow His people to endure hardship, starvation, disease, and loss?

In Under This Same Sky Book One in my Prairie Sky Series my heroine, Becky Hollister faces these challenging questions. When her home and loved ones are suddenly taken from her, her whole world—including her faith—are rocked. She harbors deep wounds that only wise counsel and God’s Word can heal.
This excerpt from Chapter One gives a glimpse into her faith struggle.
Illinois – May 8, 1854
Nothing could have prepared her for this.
Becky Hollister gripped her horse’s mane, pressing her heels into his flanks. Samson raced along the muddy path, the sound of his hooves echoing in the stillness. The vast prairie loomed ahead of her like an endless sea. Miles from the nearest neighbor or town, she had no choice but to go on.
Would she make it in time?
The sun sank lower in the western sky, illuminating the line of thunderheads to the east. Becky shifted her gaze from the remnants of the devastating storm, her attempts at prayer skewed by images of her fallen family and shattered home. Why didn’t You help them, Lord?
Tears stung her eyes. She alone could save Pa now. Sweat streamed down the horse’s neck and withers. His pace slowed. “Come on, boy. Pa’s depending on us.” The memory of her father lying face-down on the ground, spattered with blood and dirt, flashed through Becky’s mind. She smacked the reins across Samson’s neck, and he surged forward, giving her all his strength.
A dark figure appeared on the path ahead, half hidden behind a fallen branch. Becky pulled back on the reins, straining to distinguish the shadowy horse and rider. The dim light of evening toyed with her eyes. The hat and dark clothing could belong to anyone. Treacherous men sometimes roamed the area. She hadn’t considered her own threat of danger when she’d left their only gun with Pa.
As the rider edged closer, Becky’s heart pounded in her ears. Should she turn aside, or press forward?
With each breath, Samson’s sides heaved under her. He was too fatigued to outrun the stranger. She’d have to risk it. Clicking her tongue in her cheek, she dug her heels into Samson’s flanks. She could only pray the person was friend, not foe.
Read the rest of Chapter One HERE
In Under This Same Sky, the Lord takes Becky on an unexpected journey that doesn’t answer why He allows hardships, but one that assures her He will be with her through each hardship. Whatever difficulties you may be facing, may you sense His presence and experience His healing love.
Next week I’ll be sharing the theme of “iron sharpening iron” in Under Prairie Skies (Book 2) + offering a Giveaway! Hope to see you then!

Cynthia Roemer’s PRAIRIE SKY SERIES: Stories of faith and resilience on the Midwest prairie Inspirational Historical Romance
~Available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble
**Connect with Cynthia Roemer on Facebook, Goodreads and Twitter.
Seeds of Hope sounds good. I’ll be following.
Should be “Sowing Seeds of Hope”
Thanks, Bonnie! I look forward to interacting with you each week! Blessings!