by cynthia | Jun 21, 2023 | Historical romance novels, History, Nineteenth century
As a farmer’s wife, I’m familiar with modern day corn planters and how they work. But corn planting back in 1868 (the year the novel I’m writing takes place) was quite different than today. So here’s a bit of fun info I discovered while...
by cynthia | Oct 31, 2022 | Civil War Novels, Cynthia Roemer, Inspirational novels
So excited to have my fifth novel (Beyond Wounded Hearts) off to my publisher. This second book in my Wounded Heart series takes place during the final week of the Civil War and its aftermath. Set to release in March of 2023, the book follows Luke Gallagher and his...
by cynthia | Mar 30, 2022 | Giveaway, Historical romance novels, Inspirational novels
I’m happy to have author Delores Topliff with us today sharing insights from her historical novel, Wilderness Wife. Stick around until the end for a chance to win an e-book copy of her novel! Set in frontier Canada in 1810. Wilderness Wife is based on the early...
by cynthia | Sep 9, 2020 | Civil War Novels, Inspirational novels
For the past year, I’ve had a Civil War novel in the works. My first, but hopefully not my last. Though I never dreamed of the many countless hours of research required to gain adequate knowledge of the era, I’m so enjoying the process. EXCITING...
by cynthia | Jun 10, 2020 | Christian authors, covered wagons, Cynthia Roemer, Cynthia Roemer's Prairie Sky Series, Historical romance novels, History, Inspirational novels, Inspirational writers, Inspirational writing, My Books, Research, travel by covered wagon
Nowadays, we don’t think twice about hopping in a vehicle and heading out to commute to work or on a day trip to visit relatives or even a 1,000-mile vacation to the Grand Tetons. But a hundred and fifty years ago, it was a different story. Before planes, cars,...