I’ve been pretty quiet on my blog over the past couple of months. And for good reason. What have I been up to??

Writing, editing, and more writing Book Two in my Wounded Heart Series!! With a deadline looming, I’ve done little else these past couple months.



My fifth novel, Beyond Wounded Hearts, was due to be turned in to my publisher September 13th, but I still had several chapters of self-edits I wanted to complete. Thankfully, my publisher was gracious enough to extend my deadline a few days, and I hit “SEND” last Friday, the 16th. What a grand feeling!

Set during the final days of the Civil War, Beyond Wounded Hearts has been my biggest challenge to write thus far. But I’m thrilled with how it turned out. The Lord certainly carried me through each and every page as the storyline took shape. The godly truths woven into the storyline are ones I pray will touch the hearts of many.




Now the real fun begins! As I await content edits, I’ll spend some time pulling together all the extras to be included in the book. Here’s a quick run-down.

Book Blurb – This is the description of the book that is included on the back cover.

Discussion Questions – I like to include questions for book clubs to utilize when they discuss the book, usually involving the spiritual impacts of the novel and growth of the characters.

Acknowledgements Page – This page credits the many people who have contributed to the writing/editing/publishing of this novel for which I am so grateful.

Dedication page – Each book is dedicated to an individual or multiple people who have had an influence on my life, such as my husband, family, parents, sisters, and God. I haven’t yet determined who Beyond Wounded Hearts will be dedicated to.

Author’s Note: This is where I share special insights into my research, how I weave characters into history, and other fun tidbits about the writing process. Always fun to share.



I’m excited to share Luke and Adelaide’s story with readers in just a few short months (March, 2023). In case you’re interested in some insider insights into the novel, I invite you to sign-up to receive my Author Newsletter where I’ll be sharing some exclusive insights into my characters and story only subscribers will hear. Next Newsletter comes out the first of the month! Hope you’ll join us!