Where We Belong tells the tale of Rebecca and Flora Hawes, two middle-aged sisters with a heart for the Lord and a fetish for adventure. Though the main setting is in 1890, throughout the story, readers are transported back to various points in the sisters lives from childhood to maturity.

The book opens with Rebecca and Flora traveling through the Sinai Desert in search of rare Biblical documents. We then read snippets from their past explaining how how they arrived at that point and how their life stories unfolded.

The novel is quite long (nearly 500 pages) and is divided into five sections, each with a different character’s point of view. Though it held my interest throughout, I admit it seemed to go on too long, and I found myself skimming some in the final segments from the viewpoints of more minor characters.

Its greatest attribute came in its poignant spiritual messages. I was impressed by the Biblical references woven into the story and the author’s attention to keeping the Gospel message central to the plot. I loved the strong faith element and also the historical aspects of this novel.

This was my first novel by Lynn Austin. The story was well-written and unique in nature. I’ve been told it is quite different from her other works and would like the opportunity to read more of her novels. If you enjoy Biblical history, mature characters, and a story-line that unfolds gradually throughout the course of time, you’ll enjoy Where We Belong.


Read how God works in the lives of Cynthia Roemer’s characters in her Inspirational, Historical Romance (Prairie Sky) Series.
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